Pumpkin Roll recipe for Chuckles and Vee






    3 eggs

    1 cup sugar

    2/3 cup cooked pumpkin

    1 teaspoon lemon juice

    3/4 cup flour

    1 teaspoon baking powder

    2 teaspoons cinnamon

    1 teaspoon ginger

    1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

    1/2 teaspoon salt




    1 cup confectioners' sugar

    2 packages (3 ounces each) cream cheese

    4 tablespoons butter

    1/2 teaspoon vanilla


To make cake, beat eggs in mixing bowl at high speed for 5 minutes; beat in sugar until blended. Stir in pumpkin and lemon juice. Combine flour, baking powder,

spices and salt; fold into pumpkin mixture. Spread in greased and floured, then put waxed paper onto an15x10x1-inch jelly roll pan. Bake at 375° for 15 minutes. Remove cake from oven; turn out on clean linen towel liberally dusted with confectioners' sugar. Starting at narrow end, roll towel and cake together; cool. Make filling by combining ingredients

and mixing until smooth. Unroll cooled cake; spread with filling to within 1 inch of edges. Roll back up; chill. Dust with additional confectioners' sugar before serving.

Serves 10-12.

I usually make 1.5 x the filling called for in the recipe (because it is so good) and stuff it full.
