Mexican cheese dip



October 21


2 teaspoons onion powder

2 teaspoons cumin

2 teaspoons garlic powder

1 tablespoon butter

½ cup milk

8 ounces green chilies, chopped

1 pound white American cheese, cut into cubes or shredded

A pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)


Let’s begin your cheesy adventure by melting the butter and adding the milk in a saucepan. That’s where the magic starts!

Stir continuously and affectionately as you introduce the star ingredient. Cheese, either cubed or shredded. Be amazed as it transforms into a delight.

Now let’s add some excitement! Toss in the chilies, cumin, garlic powder, onion powder. If you’re feeling adventurous a pinch of cayenne pepper. Stir with anticipation as these flavors blend and dance together.

As the delightful aroma fills your kitchen keep stirring until your dip reaches that perfect temperature. Warm and inviting.

If your dip thickens much don’t worry. Just add a splash of milk to bring it back, to its perfect consistency.

Finally, it’s time for the reveal. Serve your White Cheese Dip immediately. Use it as a dipping sauce, for tortilla chips. Drizzle it over nachos. Let this luscious topping grace your favorite dishes.