Tips on saving on your grocery bills.

Babs_Admin ADMIN
edited June 2023 in Cooking with Babs!

Here are some tips I use or found as I was reading things. Please feel free to give us your tips you use also as we can all use ways to save money.

Make a menu for the time frame your shopping for if you shop by the week then make a menu for 7 days.

Check and see what food you already have on hand at home.

Never shop when hungry I am so bad for this and end up with impulse buys.

Check what day your store puts meat on mark down prices lots of time you can get 30 to 50% off sometimes even more. These items you can bulk buy and freeze off.

Watch items you buy that seem to go to waste before you use them.  I know celery is one of the things that go to waste here, so I have started to use what I need that week then the rest I chop up and freeze it still works great in soups and stuff like that.

Shop places that price match then go check your weekly flyers for the best prices and price match.

Shop at places that have member bonuses. I know here we have Pc Points threw Loblaws stores. It doesn’t take long to build up points right now I have over $200 worth of free groceries in points.

If there is a good sale on meats or produce buy in bulk and freeze it off for later use. (Investing in a vacuum sealer is worth the money I couldn’t live with out mine now.)

Use a calculator as you shop if you hit your budget before your finished shopping double check what’s in your cart and see what maybe you can do with out or substitute something cheaper.

Buy vegetables and fruits in case lots and split up before your friends, farmers markets have cheap prices on cases here you can get a case of 15 heads of Cauliflower for $15 so instead of paying $5.99 a head in the store you pay $1 a head buying bulk. I blanch and then vac seal it and have it all winter.

If you want to have a dinner party and its going to be expensive plan it well in advance and each week buy one of the more expensive items that way you’re not using a weeks budget at once buying all the things for your dinner party the week your having it.