New Diamond Painting, Relearning crocheting skills and Sharpening some gaming skills in Tanking


My trans son gifted me with my very first Diamond painting for Christmas this past year, which i wasnt interested in doing at first but then thought well I might as well dabble in it a bit and try stick on a few of these gems on and see how it goes... Well now I just try to find the time to keep adding them lol and then I strt flying through areas and parts or sections and before you know it Im actually almost done!! LOL meanwhile my son has 3 or 4 paintings on the go and nowhere near to the amount of completion on any of them that I have with this one in the short amount of time in which I started mine last month and Im so very close to completing it that Ive planned to attain a new Diamond Painting to start once this one has been completed. I some how managed to work on it after doing many tasks that I as a single mother of 5 but 3 in my nest home has to do through out the day with the cooking, cleaning, laundry, caring for 2 dogs, 3 cats, not all mine lol.. pet sitting mostly.. 18month old toddler to chase after, a kindergartener to soak up new knowledge from and a 16yr teen who is a delight to help when theyre bored or would like to have a smoke and tries to be a little adult and have big conversations and discuss philosiphical topics, along side my free birdy 18yr daughter who flies back and wnats to be part of the nest then flies awy again when shes required to be a big birdy with her own chicky rather than a being under my wing with her chicky as my own.. too much too much work and not enough hours in the day wekk or month lol Late nights when everyone sleeps is my me time when I can finish all tasks uninterrupted, indisterbed quiet time. Only than canI focxus and relax and play a few bingo cards, try a couple slots, dab on a few or finish a whole color part of gems, do a few rows of my never ending blanket which was to be a baby blanket that is now going to be fit for a king size bed i imagine, and possibly let off some steam with a few battle on World of Tanks then if i dont hear birds chiping just yet, finish my night off with a last smoke toke and cuddle my birdies in bed till morning strikes and repeat. With, added rides here and there or errands to run for myself or my elderly mother and friends. I live and breath for my cluster of birdies around me and those under my wing. I love the hussle and bussle and the busy bee. Odd is when I have an afternoon free and open during a long birdy nap my baby may have. Joy is what i collect from showing my kids my skills and teaching them something that they too may like and enjoy and we can work on together.

Blessing from our nest to yours, :)
