My hobby


First I want to say thank you to bingo village for the birthday gift. I will enjoy it.

Now as for my hobby. 30+ years ago I started collecting vintage jewelry. It has turned into a great way to see what used to be and what is now. I love fixing the pieces I can and I enjoy how beautiful vintage jewelry can be.. It has been fun going thru thrift shops to see what they might have. My husband and I would pick a town. On the weekends we would drive to the town and spend the day checking out the thrift shops they had. We always came home with other things besides jewelry. I have quite a collection that my daughter and grand daughter will inherit.. I no longer go to thrift stores and search it has become to hard to do with only 1 leg, but soon I’ll be at it again. Now let me show you some of my collection

hope you enjoy. I have 6 large jewelry chest and other jewelry boxes way too many to show. Last count of my watches was 300. Never meant to collect watches but once it started it never stops being fun. I have had other hobbies like collecting baseball cards, nascar racing memorabilia (#24 Jeff Gordon). These two collections were stolen along with some of my jewelry collection a few years back. As bad as that was I still love collecting. I also love collecting purple glass items. Show those another time


  • Babs_Admin

    Hi Wizard2469,

    What an amazing collection some absolutely beautiful pieces what is the oldest piece you have.

    Thank you for participating in the Hobby Corner $2000 raffle winners will be posted on the forum shortly after 9pm et on March 31st. You can only post 1 picture for the Raffle but please feel free to post more if you wish.

    Good luck and thanks for supporting our new Bingo Community!



  • Nghtnurse

    Wow !!! Thats some collection ! How much fun it must be searching for those beautiful pieces !

  • Wizard2469

    Thank you Babs It has been so cool to be able to see some of these items from the past. I have cameos from the 1920’s. I also have rhinestone necklaces from the 1940’s, I think it is amazing that some of this jewelry has survived this long. The difference between then and now is so interesting to me. If wanted I’ll post more pics. Just fun to look at. Thanks Wizard2469

  • Dayneee73

    Your collection is amazing!! I have one starting but not as extravagant as yours… maybe when I get some more money in my pocket my collection will be a big collection like yours 🍀❤️💕

  • Wizard2469

    Thank you so much. I still find it fascinating and wonderful to look at. it doesn’t take a lot of money to get some really great pieces. I very seldom bought one piece. And mostly bought from yard sale or thrift shops.


  • Wizard2469


    I would love to send you a couple pieces of my jewelry. I have duplicates of a few pieces and would love to give them to you, Please let me know if you would like to have them. If you can send me an address I would be happy to mail them. Thank you Wizard2469

  • Babs_Admin

    Hi Wizard2469

    That is so nice of you Dayneee73 please see above dear.


    That is some collection you got there. I dont know much about jewelry, but love ur picts.

  • Wizard2469

    Hi Kendo

    thanks I’ve enjoyed collecting jewelry. Most everything I have is considered vintage 25yrs or older. It’s a lot of fun.

    I also collect purple glass a whole lot harder to find
